Sisters who fought as kids reconnect deeply as adults

My younger sister and I are, as it turns out, much more similar than not. We were constantly butting heads as teenagers, although we seemed to mutually respect each other. Our parents' marriage was failing, and our sibling bonds strengthened during our parents' separation. As a teenager and young adult, I had more pressing issues to work on, as did my sister - we grew apart when I left for college. She moved across the country, and became pregnant. Her new baby consumed her time and energy. Though we had become estranged from our mother, she moved back in with our mother while her child was an infant. It wasn't until many years later, when our mother became ill, that we reconnected.

It was as if we had been both doing our own thing, becoming independent adults, just so that we'd be able to be the ones in the family who would and could step up to help our mother as her illness progressed. I wonder if we really were that much estranged as teens and young adults. Of all my siblings, she and I are the closest- we're famous for spending hours on the phone every few weeks, and using up all the battery power. When we're having problems or there's something bothering us, we can share, talk, commiserate, and offer each other support.

I suppose the two of us are the "caregivers" of the family as we worry about other family members as we all get older. Although we live far apart and aren't a part of each others' daily life, my sister and I keep in touch, and up-to-date with each other's life events. There's a deep and true sense of caring for each other. Perhaps that deep connection was always there, even when we fought as kids, because we always respected each other and admired each other... even when we were embroiled in some teenage angst-drama I think we would claim each other as sisters, even if we were completely exasperated with each other! We just needed to get some experience and years to smooth out our similar temperaments so that we could get along and be as close as we are now. Thanks for letting me share this story with you. Actually typing it out makes me realize how blessed I am to have such a loving sister in my life.