I was young and living on my own. I had a very strict upbringing. I met a guy and we dated. My parents hated him. They met once I think. Anyway, I decided to move in with him and they felt it was too soon and didn't like him. I was given an ultimatum leave him or they would consider me dead.
I didn't break up with my boyfriend. I never saw my parents for about 5 years. I would send birthday cards to my parents and siblings and they were returned "return to sender". I ended up marrying they guy (I invited my parents and siblings and they never showed). I did end up getting divorced.
After 5 years (and my divorce) I get a message from my sister-in-law that my mom is interested in talking to me. I thought about it for a while and told my sister-in-law to give my number to my mom. She called me, it was a brief conversation. She continued to call and I did go visit her.
She/they never apologized, neither did I. I decided to move on even without this and we act like nothing happened. Have I really forgiven my mom, no. We basically shoved it under the carpet.